I agree and I am not saying you are wrong. But it seems to me the G.B are going through life with a crippled heart, and I am personally glad I am not them.
The Rebel.
i only bring this to the board, because a friend of mine once said he felt sorry for the footballers who made so much money.
that comment stayed with me, and over the years,the more i thought about that comment the more i agreed with him.. i admit the g.b destroy people's life's and are the sublimation of all that's good in people's life.
there only excuse is a fantazy asylum they claim to believe in.
I agree and I am not saying you are wrong. But it seems to me the G.B are going through life with a crippled heart, and I am personally glad I am not them.
The Rebel.
i only bring this to the board, because a friend of mine once said he felt sorry for the footballers who made so much money.
that comment stayed with me, and over the years,the more i thought about that comment the more i agreed with him.. i admit the g.b destroy people's life's and are the sublimation of all that's good in people's life.
there only excuse is a fantazy asylum they claim to believe in.
I only bring this to the board, because a friend of mine once said he felt sorry for the footballers who made so much money. That comment stayed with me, and over the years,the more I thought about that comment the more I agreed with him.
I admit the G.B destroy people's life's and are the sublimation of all that's good in people's life. There only excuse is a fantazy asylum they claim to believe in.
So maybe my question should NOT be " DO" but " CAN" you feel pity the G.B?
Is it possible to "PITY" these men who deliberately in my opinion spread lies and untruths? Or do you simply despise them?
The Rebel.
i just thought of something the wt is allowed to take a gamble with all our contrabutions on the stocks & shares market, but don't you buy a lottery ticket or we will disfellowship you.
you f...ing gambling sinner you.
who now plays lottery?
Witness007 " There are NO bible verses that ban gambling. Cannot justify this one"
The Rebel: - Maybe the G.B think it's there money you are gambling with?
I mean isnt it the little fun money you would have bought a lottery ticket with the same money you instead put in to the "World Wide FUND" box ?
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Kramer: you make some good points and I concede I was talking crap about 50 flats.
What I would say is.
A) The W.T bought this Chuch from the Church of England not primarily as a place of worship but as an investment. ( That to me is hypocracy)
(B) If I were to speculate today the building would sell for between 15 - 20 million.
(C) With preemption and speculation, that would be in the region of 40 million in only 10 years. ( Every 10 years for the last 100 years property value in this part of central London has risen over 110%,. In most of the UK property prises have only doubled every 10 years)
(D) If I were to sell this property I would target a foreign invester like a shriek. The fact is many rich Arabs spend billions on property in this area, and often the only reason for purchase is they want it. Much of the property in London is owned by foreigners this way.
(E) Of course the incentive to target foreign buyers would be hindered by the fact that in the last budget, the government got rid of a legal loophole and now foreign investors must pay capital gains tax on the sale of property. In short that would be 40% of the appreciation.
(F) Many listed buildings in this area were allowed to become pubs, and those pubs have since been sold to developers and converted in to residential flats. ( So I would imagine the same would apply with a church)
This property was purchased by the W.T, in my opinion because it was a good deal and religions get even better deals with tax on there investments. (Or should I say non tax)
A good deal and a purchase from the wild beast, false religion...
The Watchtoer is a business led organisation thats success was built on buying property not in the 3rd world but in the capitals of the world where property is an investment, Therefore your comment about "having to rehouse the 5 congregations" I would answer "when in poor countries many still have to share a W.T". So that is not in my mind a consideration to the W.T.
The Rebel.
i just thought of something the wt is allowed to take a gamble with all our contrabutions on the stocks & shares market, but don't you buy a lottery ticket or we will disfellowship you.
you f...ing gambling sinner you.
who now plays lottery?
Any witness who says they don't gamble, doesn't understand they are gambling with the one life they have and the odds of them being right are stacked against them.They would have more chance in winning the National lottery and they don't even play it.
The Rebel.
the main goal of a shepard, is to keep the flock as safe as possible.
the loss of just a single sheep, could be devastating to a flock, and a shepards financial well being.
every sheep is valuable, from a monetary stanpoint, and future strength of the flock.
Dunadane " The elders of the congregation make for the worst possible " sheppards"
The Rebel. I agree, but there are the odd exceptions. From my personal experience I can think of only one.
The Rebel.
last circuit assembly there was 700+ present and 1 baptized.. recently there was a foreign language assemble of over 500 and 1 baptized.. in the last 5-10 years i haven't been to one assembly where there has been more than a handful baptized.
at the memorial all i see are the same old faces that have been coming since the flood.. the hall complex i attend has 6 congregation and several groups-there is negative growth.
when you factor in the demographically aging folk and the many who have already passed away, i don't know where they get the 8 million.. i know that most of the growth is from the developing countries, but still i think they are fudging their numbers.
wannaexit,(Q) " Are there really 8 million Jehovers Witnesses?"
The Rebel ( A) wannaexit your personal situation answers that question.
The Rebel.
i just thought of something the wt is allowed to take a gamble with all our contrabutions on the stocks & shares market, but don't you buy a lottery ticket or we will disfellowship you.
you f...ing gambling sinner you.
who now plays lottery?
Sabin I think the G.B cover the stocks and shares issue by saying it's not actually gambling.
We had a brother who did stocks and shares very impressivly for a while, then not so impressively. My point being whilst buying a lottery ticket is classified as greed, stocks and share is seen as investment.
My personal advice to any poster is that investing in property is much safer. Also transferring currency from one country to another can be very proffitable. With stocks and shares its often because you have limited funds, and dependent on who you know,
I am sure large companies investing in stocks and shares, spread the risk and have exsperienced advisers. In my option big business and religion is simply big business, and the products the money gets invested in are often highly immoral.
Anyway the G.B argument doesn't hold and buying a lottery ticket does not make a person any more greedy than any other form of investment.
Smiddy, you and your wife enjoy your flatters and have fun. If you have a budget to have fun,what is the difference between having a flatter on the horses and playing golf?
The Rebel.
how do i feel about this?.
too much doubt.. shame on you people who are responsible for putting richard to death.. richard is scheduled to be put to death in oklahoma at 3pm on september 16th by lethal injection.
i have followed this case and feel like so many people very bad about this.
This is an off topic post.
If you were falsely accused, and the circumstantial evidence against you strong, would you feel confident in trusting the system and risking a death sentence or would you accept a plea deal?
The Rebel.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Cappytan ( Q) "I am a coward?"
The Rebel (A) Having read your illustration, I wouldn't say your a coward. Maybe it takes a special sort of courage and wisdom to be the bigger person.
The Rebel.